A major killer
Stress is a major killer. We are not supposed to be constantly stressed, it is a recipe for disaster. Our body believes our life is in danger and strives for short term. I use certain thought experiments, images, and perspectives to help relieve my stress. In the upcoming days, I will post more stress relieving articles, so stay tuned!! Hopefully this can help you as much as it helps me :)
Earth is a little ball of elements floating through space. There is nothing within miles of the Earth. There is no space beyond the Earth which can be inhabited by humans, as far as we know. Either there is a God who created this environment and was kind enough to let us use it or we are a fortuitous arrangement of atoms. Life is so complex that no one knows anywhere close to everything. Our brain is one of the biggest mysteries. But everything seems to be working. The sun rises and sets without burning us. No asteroids have come and destroyed the world. A nuclear war hasn't started. Lots of us have food, water, shelter, love, and an imagination. If we adopt this perspective, every moment becomes a miracle. Embrace the genius of nature and be content. As the Tao Te Ching says, in a man's contentment we find perfection.
Nature expressing itself |
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