
Interconnectedness is the truth of life. Nothing exists within a vacuum. Nothing exists without context. A car is only a car because it has a road to drive on, gas to fuel it, and items or people to transport. Humans only survive because we have air to breath, water to drink, and food to eat. Elements that compose us only exist because stars exploded. These are some thoughts I use to recognize and feel this truth.

  • Cells compose the organs, muscles, and bones which make our bodies.
  • Food that we eat and liquids we drink become us.
  • Memories and experiences become the story we tell ourselves which creates our future and contributes to other people’s stories.
  • Without these necessary components, and many others, we could not exist.
  • Our necessary components could not exists without their necessary components.
  • We are what we are made up of.
  • We are made of the universe.
  • We are the universe, we are one.
The first time this concept resonated with me was while I was reading “The Miracle of 

Mindfulness” by Thich Nat Han, a buddhist monk. He explained how nothing stands alone in this 

universe, in order for anything to be, there must be something to create it from.



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