
Showing posts from March, 2017

Emotion: a force of nature

Emotions and the body and movement are all part of the same system. Emotion is just energy in motion. Thoughts are energy, once they are energized by continual attention, resonation in the body, or both, they become emotions. I think of emotions as forces of nature. They transfer between people, create environments, and are extremely powerful. Sometimes they are too powerful to control and cause people to do crazy stuff such as crimes of passion. Usually when someone has a very strong opinion on something, it is because they have emotions associate with them. Someone who has faced cancer themselves or in their families are much more likely to take an interest in finding a cure than someone who has no emotional investment. In social interactions, eliciting emotional investment is one of the most important things you can do to keep people’s interest. If you have emotions driving you towards a goal, you are more likely to work hard. There are endless examples of how emotions can im...


Interconnectedness is the truth of life. Nothing exists within a vacuum. Nothing exists without context. A car is only a car because it has a road to drive on, gas to fuel it, and items or people to transport. Humans only survive because we have air to breath, water to drink, and food to eat. Elements that compose us only exist because stars exploded. These are some thoughts I use to recognize and feel this truth. Cells compose the organs, muscles, and bones which make our bodies. Food that we eat and liquids we drink become us. Memories and experiences become the story we tell ourselves which creates our future and contributes to other people’s stories. Without these necessary components, and many others, we could not exist. Our necessary components could not exists without their necessary components. We are what we are made up of. We are made of the universe. We are the universe, we are one. The first time this concept resonated with me was while I w...

Structure Your Life Around Work

Structure your life around work, but not your days. Paradoxical as it may seem, the book “Rest” claims the most successful people in the world have proved this to be true. First, find your purpose. For me, my purpose is to find peace and help people find happiness and peace. This sounds like an endeavor with a light workload, but there is a lot that goes into it. Doing lots of different projects to help uplift others. Lots of research on the most efficient and effective ways to convey information. Tons of personal development. It is a very intellectual and emotional pursuit, activating both hemispheres of the brain. I spend a few hours a day reading, writing, working, and planning. The rest of my day is rest oriented. I do what brings me joy. The inputs in my life are calm beautiful music, insightful books, people who are good influences, and thinking about profound concepts. I love climbing. I love Practicing yoga postures. I love Playing chess. I love relating with people and thin...

A major killer

Stress is a major killer. We are not supposed to be constantly stressed, it is a recipe for disaster. Our body believes our life is in danger and strives for short term. I use certain thought experiments, images,  and perspectives to help relieve my stress. In the upcoming days, I will post more stress relieving articles, so stay tuned!! Hopefully this can help you as much as it helps me :) Earth is a little ball of elements floating through space. There is nothing within miles of the Earth. There is no space beyond the Earth which can be inhabited by humans, as far as we know. Either there is a God who created this environment and was kind enough to let us use it or we are a fortuitous arrangement of atoms. Life is so complex that no one knows anywhere close to everything. Our brain is one of the biggest mysteries. But everything seems to be working. The sun rises and sets without burning us. No asteroids have come and destroyed the world. A nuclear war hasn't started. Lots o...

Philosophies for peace

In my mind, one of the best, most rewarding things you can do for yourself is to hold inner peace as the highest good. Society has nothing but constructed norms, from how to look, to how to dress and how to behave. The only time we feel insecure is when we allow society to construct our reality for us. As we look back through history and across cultures, it is astonishing to see what was held in highest regard. In the Victorian period, women are often painted as plump or chubby. Now women are portrayed to be white with blond hair and physically fit. In some societies it is a strange occurrence when someone does not drink alcohol, while in others it is strictly prohibited. Before society was created, what was most highly regarded was the ability to survive through any means possible. Society runs rampant with reification, causing us to forget the fact that true happiness comes from within. The void inside each and every one of us can never be filled by material goods. We construct our ...

Spirituality and Visualization for Charisma

I am reading “The Charisma Myth” by Olivia Fox Cabane, and she spends the first few chapters (I am on chapter 5), describing how presence and body language are the basis of charisma. Hearing this makes perfect sense to me, considering my journey. I used to be pretty insecure and still deal with depression. There was nearly constant fatigue and self doubt which sometimes bordered on self hate. During this time, life felt pretty hard, and I looked for any way to ease the suffering. This is when meditation, mindfulness, yoga, spirituality, and conscious construction of my life became a central part of my life. Becoming conscious changed the ways I looked at life. Living was no longer composed of individual events vaguely connected to one another, instead I began to see a vast network of cause and effect complete with blurred boundaries of supposedly separate entities. The reality of an interconnected existence finally revealed itself. Once this reality became clear to me, I appli...