Visualization: methods and benifits

Visualization is an incredible method for developing your movement capabilities which I use whenever it is applicable. There is scientific evidence to prove when we visualize an action, the same part of the brain is activated as when we perform the action itself.  This tool can help us in areas other than movement and athletic development, we can use visualization for developing yourself in any context.
  • If you can visualize yourself performing certain moves, it will truly cause you to have a better chance completing it in real life.
    • One of the most powerful effects of good visualization is that it programs the subconscious brain. You want to think of the subconscious brain as a self-guiding missile. When a self-guiding missile is fired, it starts moving towards its programmed target. As it moves towards its target it assesses its coordinates in relation to the target, and makes mini adjustments to correct its path. Our subconscious brain works in the same way. It identifies our coordinates and naturally moves us towards our target. (the power of visualization, sports psych today)
  • Make sure you summon the feelings/emotions because powerful emotional states create powerful performance states.
    • “Paint with color”- Adding more vibrant colors and details to your visualization adds energy to the thought, increasing the emotional response
    • Concentrate on the feelings you’re currently experiencing. If you can, give it a name. As you do this see a dial appear in front of you, like the volume knob you’d find on a stereo system. This dial is connected to the intensity of your visualization. Turning the dial up increases the intensity of the emotions you feel, whilst turning it down reduces the intensity of the emotions you feel. As you reach out and take hold of the dial, see that it is set to 3. Holding the dial now, slightly turn it to the left, turning the level down to a 2. As you do this notice the intensity of your current experience slightly fading.
    • Emotions are just thoughts which gain enough energy to effect our entire state of being. To summon these emotions and feelings, clearly visualize positive results, then introduce the thoughts to your body.
    • There are studies which state that people who are completely paralyzed do not experience emotions nearly as intense as people who are not, leading to the discovery that the body plays a large part in emotions.
  • Our thoughts structure our reality. Developing a meditation routine can help you train your mind to be more focused and more kind towards yourself through strengthening your concentration.
    • These increased concentration capabilities will help you visualize for longer periods of time and more vividly.
Visualization is also a technique that many self help gurus recommend. If you can think something, it is possible. If you visualize what you want and repeat afformations like “I am good enough,” or “hard work makes anything possible,” it will program your subconscious mind and set course for success. Once you program that end goal, you will find the details start to work themselves out. Humans are creatures of habit, but we are not limited by our instincts. In other words our past does not rule our future; our future has yet to exist, so make a decision to accomplish that which you most desire. Tony Robbins says the most powerful tool we have is our power to make a decision, so decide to accomplish your goals instead of just talking about them and watch as your life begins to change.

Works cited (please check him out, he is truly a life changing force)


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