Spiritual laws

The following is a reply to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “Spiritual Laws”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, the "Yankee Mystic"
The basic idea is that we are vehicles acting from a place of pure spirit, a view which aligns with the Hindu idea of humans as fundamentally spiritual beings. Because we are spirit, we have the capacity to find the ultimate peace of spirit at any time. Unfortunately, society hides this paramount truth through institutions put in place to “help” us. School forces us to sit down and learn. Society makes us all perform a similar task and sacrifice our love for money. The similarity of nearly every task in this society, no matter how diverse in subject matter, is the perfunctory manner in which it is executed. No vital energy, no creativity, no curiosity, no space for the immortal child to blossom.
How amazing if each being were allowed to follow their bliss? Following bliss is a multi step process that is no longer intuitive. As a first step towards this paradigm shift, imagine if all beings were exposed to bliss. How revolutionary! Instead of dull material with no apparent real life application, the young learn how to foster their youth. Imagine if the young learn how to embrace their vibrant nature for life long use! We learn about the laws of right triangles and algebra, physics and chemistry; why do we remain ignorant to spiritual laws?
“Without our miserable interferences, the work, the society, letters, arts, science, religion of men would go on far better than now, and the heaven predicted from the bottom of the heart, would organize itself, as do now the rose and the air and sun”.
Humans are experts of defying the laws of nature. We learned how to leave our planet and eradicate formerly devastating contagious diseases. The teamwork of visionaries and scientists allowed us to prosper as we have. These visionaries are the monk who comes to understand that the universe is actually composed of atoms and the philosophers who dares to proclaim the earth is round or propose the theory of natural selection (there used to be little to no separation between scientists and philosophers). Philosophy described as an engine of hypothesis. Without people questioning why things are the way they are, humans simply could not make progress. They are followed by the scientists with the tools to prove their theories and change life in profound ways.
Unfortunately, interferences prevent sustainable growth. These interferences are the manifestation of evolutionary advantageous characteristics, geared solely to survival as an animal in the state of nature (Thomas Hobbes). Thomas Hobbes describes the state of nature as a state in which the greatest good is survival. We are far removed from this state of nature, yet the remaining survival mechanisms persist and present themselves as our biggest obstacle to peace and happiness. No matter how wise a select few may have the opportunity to become, the entire human race does not have the fortitude to shift away from base desires and embrace the abstract ideas which are good for the whole of society. We are so focused on individual survival that we are more than happy to sacrifice anything that hinders our convenience. Vince Staples says in his song “Like It Is” “You’ll kill me if it make you richer, what you screaming you my brother for”. Deep down our own family’s survival is more important than anyone else’s. Would you rather your mother (assuming you are close) die, or 100 random people? Using a bucket of water to shower instead of a shower certainly saves water, but this recommendation probably sounded absolutely absurd to any westerner.
All life is not equal in our eyes. All lives do not matter in our psyche. Hundreds of species are going extinct, animals are systematically subject to torture, war torn countries receive no media coverage or aid, and slavery continues to this very present day. If you do nothing to better these lives, does it mean this life does not matter? According to the story of Adam and Eve when we lost sight of our fundamental nature, humans were exiled from Eden and every problem came into being. We are all greatly deceived by our limited conscious. Enter into non-reflective universal consciousness and be. Plant the seeds of change within yourself so that you may be the change you wish to see in the world.
What is more valuable than sharing peace with the world?

Spiritual laws audio!!!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyHEhVc_vrU
  1. The Spiritual Emerson:   https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=the+spiritual+emerson
  2. Visit this page for tons of info on Thomas Hobbes  http://www.iep.utm.edu/hobmoral/


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