Thoughts on Teaching

I need to expect less from my students. It is not right to assume a base of knowledge on these movement patterns that are so new to them. The first level is all about developing some kind of practice for each movement. It is the most important level and should be handled as such. If the plan is to teach certain movements, but there is someone who clearly can not achieve this, then make a modification that targets similar areas so that the person has an opportunity to grow. We have to be mindful in mixed level classes. Make sure that when a certain movement is inaccessible, there is an alternate.

Cues and tips
If a person does not pick up on the cue the first time it is said, narrow down the cue, switch up the language, and gesture differently. Do what is necessary to have them get the move correct. If they do not understand, it is the responsibility as a teacher to show them properly. My yoga teacher training cautioned us not to show the movements for some reason, but I find this to be an important part of my style. Afterall, I love movement because often times I can express myself more clearly than with words. Plus I can highlight the cues I am giving with my words through my body.

(Bali study abroad, fall 2016)
Pick a focus for each class
Often times, the links between subjects and topics seems far too clear to me, but others cannot follow. In order to cut down this confusion, I will make sure to focus on one or two major themes per class. There could be a lot of patterns attempted with some rhyme or reason, and there must be a focus. Focuses range from inner body awareness, alignment awareness, thought awareness, breath awareness, widening movement vocabulary, the list goes on and on.
Write out some lists of yoga poses and movement patterns that fall into certain categories. If I want to play the stick game, what patterns help with that. If I want to play the endzone game what patterns help with that?

Don’t reinvent the wheel
Steve Jobs said creative people don’t do much out of the ordinary, except recognize patterns and connect experiences. My experience with capoeira has left me with a great deal more knowledge than I used to have in regards to movement. Many many patterns are in capoeira which are basic, can be stacked together easily, and develop tons of muscle, awareness, and mobility. All patterns are practical I’ll even teach kicks and punches, takedowns and locks, because these patterns are in human movement. Search up sport specific exercises because they will give us even more ideas of movement, just be a true generalist.

Theory and practice

I have to be conscious that I am sharing at least as often as I am learning. Take all opportunities to share, the world needs more of me in it. Don’t be afraid to share because you don’t have all the answers. It is ok not to have all the answers; 20 year olds aren’t supposed to have all the answers. Right now, you love warrior 1,2, and 3, that is great, run with it. Develop classes surrounding it, find footwork drills which build off of it, show people how that general pattern can be a base for so much more! Establish a solid base and the rest will follow. Very, very soon, I will be a certified yoga teacher, meaning I will finally have the validity to begin charging people and working in studios!!! All of my research on personal magnetism, charisma, networking, connecting people, will have another network to express itself.


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